UpStander Training and Basic Self Defense
May 27th, 2-4pm
Flux Factory Gallery
Free upstander training and basic self defense by the Center for Anti-Violence Education (CAE)
Please Register to RSVP! Limited space.
Why this workshop?
Upstander workshops are designed to equip those facing hate and violence with de-escalation skills and basic self-defense techniques. Additionally, this training empowers bystanders with the tools they need to help those facing harassment by choosing intentionally from a continuum of tactics. These two approaches combined offer New Yorkers unique and critical options for keeping our communities as safe as possible and mitigating violence.
More about this workshop
The workshop involves building mind/body awareness, awareness of gender and race issues when intervening, how to report hate incidents, and how individuals can become involved in a movement to end systemic hate and violence.
What can I expect?
The training is highly interactive and allows each participant to choose to practice strategies that match their personality and comfort level. We will practice assertive communication skills, some physical moves such as “head blocks” to protect yourself physically, and role play scenarios of harassment and Upstander intervention. Because so many people in our workshop are already survivors of harassment or violence, it is important to note that students are 100% in charge of their learning experience and may step out of activities at any time.
What is the Center for Anti-Violence Education and why are they offering this session?
The Center for Anti-Violence Education (CAE) develops and implements comprehensive violence prevention programs for individuals and organizations. Through a combination of education, physical empowerment and leadership development, CAE provides underserved communities with skills to break cycles of violence—including assault, intimate partner violence, street harassment, and abuse.
Who is welcome to participate?
The trainings are open to all whether you identify as someone targeted by hate, someone who wishes to be an ally to targeted communities, or both. Some groups may choose to focus more on self-defense and de-escalation skills and some more on Upstander skills. Please let us know which you prefer.