The Menu for Mars Kitchen
Flux Factory Presents The Menu for Mars Kitchen at Pierogi’s The Boiler
Opening Reception May 29th
On view May 29th- June 20th
Open hours Thursday-Sunday, 12-6 pm or by appointment.
Organized by Heidi Neilson & Douglas Paulson
Join the Menu for Mars Supper Club as we pioneer a menu for the Red Planet, and construct an analog Mars kitchen.
From May 29 to June 20, the Menu for Mars Kitchen will be open to the public. Visitors are invited, alongside special guests, to prototype a dish using Marsfeasible ingredients. Dishes will be documented, sampled, evaluated, and vacuumpacked. At the exhibition’s end, the prototype dishes and a summary of findings will be sent to NASA to augment their preparations for colonizing Mars. The Kitchen will also test off-Earth cultivation of edible plants and mushrooms, food preservation, and related topics through a series of workshop and events. See events here. Over the last year, Menu for Mars Supper Club met monthly with guest experts over dinner to consider how the circumstances on Mars would affect colonists’ food—and their physical, cultural, and psychological needs. The Menu for Mars Kitchen culminates these discussions and related research.
The Menu for Mars Kitchen will be open in The Boiler May 29 June 20. Gallery hours are 12 6pm Thursdays through Sundays, and by appointment. Come and taste-test the future!
Participating artists, gardeners, musicians, and cooks are: Albert Park, Alex Tsocanos, Alice Gorman, Anna Dabney Smith & David Grainger, Gil Lopez, Heather Kapplow & Thalia Zedek, Hoi Cheng, John Roach, Joshua Liebowitz, Justin Amrhein, Kerim Zapsu, Lindsay Iserman, Marco Castro, The Planetary Society New York City, Sian Proctor, Tattfoo Tan, Ward Shelley, Will Owen with Matthias Borello.
Menu for Mars Supper Club HQ
More info on the Menu For Mars Supper Club here.