Saturn Return – Flux Factory’s 30th Anniversary Residency Group Exhibition

Flux Factory is celebrating its big thirtieth anniversary by exhibiting 37 alumni of our Artists-in-Residence program. This grassroots community spans decades and continents and features work across all media.
This year we mark Flux Factory’s Saturn Return — born 1994, when Saturn was in Pisces. In astrology, the “Saturn Return” refers to a roughly thirty-year cycle that prompts re-evaluation of life, limitations, and the support structures we’re making. In typical Saturnian fashion, Flux Factory is in the throes of a midlife crisis while establishing newly-owned, yet-unopened venues. All the same, we’re too blessed to be stressed and can’t wait to premiere our new venue, Flux IV, and host our season premiere at Governors Island with a celebration of the people and ideas that have made our community durable through the decades.
2 islands 2 furious! This Group Exhibition will be held at 2 locations:
Flux IV (56-21 2nd St, LIC) – An inaugural pop-up exhibition at our brand new venue.
Governors Island (Colonel’s Row House 404a) – We’re back for another year in our haunted house on Governors Island.
Key Event Dates
May 15, 6pm-9pm – Flux IV Exhibition Opening, in conjunction with the LIC Arts Open Kickoff Party
May 15-19 at Flux IV, 12pm-6pm – LIC Arts Open gallery hours
May 18 1pm-6pm – Governors Island Exhibition Grand Opening
June 15 – Flux Saturday performances on Governors Island
More special events to be announced!
Gallery Open Hours
Every week through closing on July 1
May 15-19 at Flux IV, 12pm-6pm LIC Arts Open gallery hours
At Flux IV – Saturday and Sunday afternoons 1pm-5pm
At Governors Island – Friday – Sundays 12pm-5pm
Artists Exhibiting at Flux IV (56-21 2nd St, LIC) include: Alex Wolkowicz, Amelia Marzec, Caitlin & Misha, Cecilia Enberg & Eric Malmberg, Dario Mohr, Don Daedalus, Heidi Neilson, Li-Ming Hu, Lily Baldwin, Mare Liberum, Maureen Catbagan, Patrick Topitschnig, Richard Nathaniel, Roopa Vasudevan, Trasonia Abbott, Tray Tsui, Walker Tufts, Wieteke Heldens,
and Will Owen.
Artists Exhibiting on Governors Island (Colonels Row, House 404a) include: Angela Washko, Ben Galaday, Ethan Shoshan, Hey There Kapplow, Itala Aguilera, Jack Hogan, Jodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, Lee Tusman, Lena Hawkins, Lucas Abela, MaLo Sutra Fish, Maya Quattropani, 502 Bad Gateway, Ruby Kwon, Valentina Medda, and Zachary Handler.
Special thanks to the Joseph Robert Foundation for making this exhibition possible; Flux’s 2024 annual sponsors; and the Italian Council (2022), Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity, Italian Ministry of Culture.