In addition to programs taking place at Flux Factory’s home-base on 29th Street, Flux Factory produces programs at partner institutions regularly. Alumni of Flux’s Artist-in-Residency program are eligible to participate in these projects, which typically receive special accommodations for travel, public programs, and per diems. Collective leadership and Resident-led programming are always the source of artistic direction for Satellite Projects. Flux recognizes the challenges of receiving funding for projects abroad and addresses this by opening doors for artists that might have otherwise remained closed.
A New Future, 2024-ongoing
This new international initiative combats xenophobia and conflict with creative projects that facilitate exchange and collaboration between artists and curators from around the world. The pilot initiative in 2024 brought together Russian and American participants for a 1-month Residency around the US. In 2025, The Flux Factory – Armenia Artist Exchange will send 5 American artists to Armenia to learn alongside local artists; and The Indigenous Peoples’ Exchange will bring together Native American artists with Bashkort and Tatar artists.
Flux Island, 2021-2024
view documentation of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024
For the past three years, Flux Factory has been in residence on Governors Island during the months of May-October. Based at Colonels Row House 404A, Flux artists produced exhibitions and Island wide public events for all audiences.
FluxatARoS, 2018 – 2022
view documentation of 2019, 2021, and 2022
Throughout August and September, over 30 Flux artists gathered for our annual partnership with the ARoS Museum in Aarhus, Denmark. Residents work daily in the Aros Public Atelier and produce over 20 public events throughout Aarhus with local art spaces.
Styrian Artist-in-Residency Exchange, 2021-2022
Flux is proud to partner with the Styrian region of Austria to produce an annual exchange welcome an Austrian artist to New York City for a Flux Factory Residency with a reciprocal Residency for a Flux Factory alumni for a Residency in a former seminary in Austria.
Art Quarter Budapest Group Residency, 2021
In October 2021, 9 Flux Artists were be in Residence at Arts Quarter Budapest (AQB), one of Hungary’s leading alternative Residency spaces. Hosted in a former brewery, AQB supports Artist Residencies, festivals, exhibitions and more. Flux artists created new works together while in Residence and participate in the Open House festival.
Destination Joy, 2019
Platform invited 6 Flux Factory artists to create an installation in collaboration with local Finnish artists in just 1 week, leading up to Night of the Arts in Vaasa, one of the busiest cultural events in the region. Flux artists created a popup cruise ship concept.
Artistes en Résidence, 2016
In partnership with Artistes en Résidence, 7 artists based in France were invited to Flux for one week during January 2016. Culminating in Spotlightness, a pop-up group show organized by Sébastien Maloberti.
Perpetual Piñata Parlor, 2016
September 2016, 7 Flux artists were invited by CEC Arts Link to the Art Prospect Festival in St. Petersburg, Russia. Our group created the Perpetual Piñata Parlour, which we performed for 4 days throughout the festival. This project combined traditional Russian and American games, which participants were invited to play.
The Infamous Outpost, 2012
In the spring of 2012, thirteen artists will create a site-specific installation and temporary consulate of Flux Factory titled The Infamous and Only Somewhat Ambassadorial Outpost of the Semi-Legitimate Nation of Flux at Spanien 19C in Aarhus, Denmark. Constructing a miniature version of the Flux Factory space within the gallery, the artists will serve as Flux ambassadors on foreign soil, all the while inhabiting the space and performing “business as usual.”
Arctic Book Club, 2009
EFA Project Space and Flux Factory co-curated this exhibition, the result of a several-month long process embarked on by a group of artists responding to Tété Michel Kpomassie’s book, “An African in Greenland,” an account of the author’s unique journey from his native Togo to Greenland.
Flux Factory at the Sziget Festival, 2007
August 2007, Flux Factory partnered with the Hungarian Cultural Center in New York and a group of Hungarian artists and architecture students from the Szent József Studió Kollégium to bring the Pavilion for the City of Budapest New York to the 2007 Sziget Festival in Budapest.
Albatross at Socrates Sculpture Park, 2007
A defunct boat was acquired and altered to tell the story of a fictional sailor and his shipwreck. Installed for public view at Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, Queens and completed only by Flux Factory 2007 artists in residence from May-August.
Devils Work: Secret Doings at the Queens Museum, 2004
Arguably the first major project that Flux Factory collectively produced was at the Queens Museum, where artists worked together to produce art and mischief for several months in the museum’s Residency floor. Read Morgan Meis’ sum-up in Harpers.