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American Alien

New episodes posted: August 12th, September 9th, September 29th American Alien, a project developed by Flux Factory Artist-in-Residence Ye Taik, is designed to increase awareness of the Burmese diaspora and to serve as a platform for the Burmese American voice. Through interviews published as podcasts on the Flux Factory website, American Alien will address topics related to Burmese innovation and hybridity.

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Public Trust

Opening reception: Friday, September 7, 6 pm - 9 pm Exhibition dates: September 7 - 29 Hours: open weekends, 12 – 6 pm or by appointment Flux Factory is pleased to present Public Trust, a group exhibition that celebrates the crucial roles public institutions fill, as well as questions their strategies to engage visitors and stay relevant to their lives.

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Terribilis Tubus

Opening reception: Friday, August 24th, 6 - 9 pm Dates: August 25th - September 2nd Flux Factory is pleased to present Terribilis Tubus, a group show of four Glasgow-based artists in collaboration with David Dale Gallery & Studios, including works by Hirofumi Suda & Risa Tsunegi and current Flux Artists-in-Residence Rory O’ Connor and Theodoros Stamatogiannis.

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Lehna Huie: Out of Many, One People

Opening Reception: July 14th, 7 pm – 11 pm Exhibition Dates: July 15, 21, 22, 6 pm – 9 pm In this exploration of her biographical links to Jamaica, Lehna Martine Huie addresses assumptions stemming from tourism and ways of “tasting” the island. She combines a series of multidisciplinary artistic approaches that will activate the five senses in order to reflect on the Jamaican-American experience in 2012.

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Bionic Garden

Opening reception: June 9, 1 - 4 pm Flux Factory is proud to present Bionic Garden, an exhibition that unveils how humans have adapted to grow plants in the most unlikely of ways and places. Works will be displayed in a range of environments that reflect the (often) limited environments that New Yorkers have to work with when it comes to exercising their own green thumbs.

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Wojciech Gilewicz, Residency Unlimited

Flux Factory is pleased to present Wojciech Gilewicz, Residency Unlimited, a solo exhibition by our latest resident through Flux Factory's partnership with Residency Unlimited. For two months Gilewicz cleaned Flux Factory as a way to explore the overlap of immigration status and the paradoxes of artistic success.

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WFLX: Earful of Flux

DJ Vinyl Richie put it together and the rest of us had fun contributing playlists and breathing into the microphone. You can hear all about what's happening at Flux and a few great songs, too.

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The Infamous Outpost

Flux Factory is packing its bags and temporarily moving to Denmark! In the spring of 2012, thirteen artists will create a site-specific installation and temporary consulate of Flux Factory titled The Infamous and Only Somewhat Ambassadorial Outpost of the Semi-Legitimate Nation of Flux at the Spanien 19C gallery. Constructing a miniature version of the Flux Factory space within the gallery, the artists will serve as Flux ambassadors on foreign soil, all the while inhabiting the space and performing “business as usual.”

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Anders Bojen & Kristoffer Ørum: AutoBiography

The Copenhagen-based artist duo Anders Bojen and Kristoffer Ørum present Autobiography, a video installation using a mathematical system and family photographs to continuously generate new unstable interpretations of the two artist’s identities.

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