Phuc Le: Forced Entry
Opening Reception: January 18th, 6pm – 8pm
Exhibition hours: through 1/21 by request to PhucBLe[at]gmail[dot]com
Forced Entry is a one-person photographic and video exhibition that features all new works from Phuc Le’s three continuing projects: So Hip!, Grindr Tests, and Expedition:Southwest. Using non-linear narrative imagery that’s part fashion and part mythology, Le explores identity and relationships with family, community, and physical space.
About the artist: Focusing on social structures, mainly human connections and relationships that exist in his multi-faceted consciousness, Phuc Le makes chromogenic prints through a performative approach towards portraiture—utilizing a combination of analog and digital photography. Being part participant and part observer, he explores the limbo space between an insider and an outsider of cultures, gender, and systems. Though his work is ever evolving in ideas and media-of-practice, he is presently fixated on: technology in relation to sub-communities, the collective formation of a New-American identity, and trending culture in mainstream and underground media. Born in Vietnam (1985) and developed in Orange County/Los Angeles, Le is currently living and producing work in New York City. His Flux Factory residency and the exhibition Forced Entry is sponsored, in part, by the New York Community Trust fellowship.