Open Call: 2015 Exhibition Season
Flux Factory announces an open call for our 2015 exhibition season!
Flux expands the creative experience beyond the typical gallery setting, using our exhibition space and the public realm as sites for critical intervention. This approach has helped Flux build a reputation for being inventive, risk-taking, and playful, while supporting the creation of new collaborative work and serving as an access point for audiences to experience the multidisciplinary creative process.
Please visit our 2014 group exhibitions for reference: Exquisite Contraption, Nightlight, Homecoming, and Utopia School.
To apply for any of the exhibitions listed below, email the appropriate address with the exhibition title in the subject line. See individual exhibition descriptions for deadlines, notifications, and additional requests for relevant info. If you wish to apply for more than one exhibition, please send a separate email for each and make your application specific to the exhibition.
Hotel Wars (October 2015) ** OPEN CALL STILL RUNNING!
Hotels are popping up left and right in LIC. What makes each hotel unique? Who are the people inside of them? Flux Factory is organizing the first LIC Olympics to answer these questions. We’re calling upon hotel guests, neighbors, and tourists to fight for glory. Flux is seeking game designers, artists, musicians, and performers to collaboratively invent games and challenges, create anthems and ceremonies, and design team crests and costumes. We’ll stage actions both inside participating hotels and outside during a block party. Together we’ll engage a wide range of participants and encourage everyone to think critically about the expansion of tourism and hotels in LIC.
It’s not about ratings, it’s not about pools, it’s about who can win in a battle of wits, strength, and agility.
Please send your proposal to exhibitions@fluxfactory.org. In your project proposal, please also tell us about one experience you’ve had in a hotel. Applications are due June 15st, and applicants will be notified mid-June.
Counterfeiting For Cash (February 2015)
In early 2015, we’ll be hosting a show about counterfeits and counterfeiting. We are looking for artworks (real, fake, or really fake) and interventions that might:
– confound notions of authorship & authenticity
– engage the public
– engage social media
– intervene in hubs of culture and commerce (such as museums’ collections and galleries)
– can be sold on the black market
Please send proposals to p.picasso@fluxfactory.org by January 1st and include a link to your work.
STROBE Network (June 2015)
STROBE Network is a temporary channel set to broadcast in June 2015 via live internet stream as part of Flux Factory’s 2015 programming. STROBE Network is a platform for artists to envision what they want out of mass communication that conventional programming denies. In addition to internet streaming STROBE Network will welcome a studio audience for live tapings at the sound stage in the Flux Factory gallery in Queens, NY and offer kiosks and viewing parties at a variety of off-site host spaces.
We welcome submissions for live and pre-recorded works that make use of broadcasting as a means of presenting artworks. We are interested in performance, sound, new media, objects, and video art. All media and concepts are encouraged to apply. There are three ways to get involved with STROBE Network:
- Submitting works for broadcasting
- Suggestions: Episodic works, fine art, entertainment, pirated materials, humor, mind expansion, electric boogaloo, art objects, movement, and noise
- Proposing a position at the network
- Suggestions: Abstract interpretations of major network roles, executive, weatherman, vj, daytime host, late night band, food stylists, experimental marketers, coders, animators, gif artists, sound designers, web technicians
- Joining the project as a host space
- Suggestions: Art Spaces, web publications, and venues that want to host viewing events or programming, spaces in the NYC area interested in hosting a kiosk.
- You may apply as an individual or a group
- No length requirements—your proposed project can be anywhere from a few seconds to several hours
- Please email your submissions in .pdf format to strobe@fluxfactory.org and include:
- A description of your proposed project or position for STROBE Network, no more than 500 words
- CV
- Optional artist statement or bio (no more than 200 words)
- What reality show, existing or fabricated are you most likely to be featured on? (no more than 100 words)
- Up to 10 examples of your work: images submitted as a single pdf or no more than 3 videos submitted as public links
All submissions due February 15th, 2015.
Flux Factory’s 2015 Exhibitions program is supported supported, in part, by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, the Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.