Maya Quattropani
Maya Quattropani is a visual artist and art teacher based in Turin, Italy, working with performance, analog photography, video, sound and textual/narrative installations. Her passion is applied activities and instruments inherited from artistic avant-garde on traditional psychoanalysis, medical science and anthropology. Her current research focuses on the concept of body as living musical instrument involving theories about personality, communication, automatisms, psycho-geographic drifts, and alternative game rules. Quattropani’s work is an archive-in-progress of daily rituals developed in participatory actions/games/workshops/excursions involving people to cooperate in the construction of a new (artistic) community. She also is a member of “The Shrodinger Cat’s” project with the game designer Giacomo Marchetti to create goliardic songs, movie clips and unconventional symphonies.
Maya Quattropani received her BFA in Painting form Michelangelo Castello Academy of Siracusa, and her MFA in Visual and Performing Art from Albertina Academy of Turin, IT. She directs experimental didactic programs and participates in group shows, art festivals, and site specific events collaborating with schools, museums, foundations, galleries, and non-profit organizations. She is a recipient of DE.MO. / MOVIN’UP I session 2015 grant promoted by Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Association for the Circuit of the Young Italian Artists to support her residency in Flux Factory. She is currently planning a collective action-game for the PLATFORM -Transit Museum in Brooklyn, NY.