First opening reception: July 22, 5 pm
Dates: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays from July 22 to September 19
Times: noon to 6 pm
Location: Marina 59, 5914 Beach Channel Drive, Far Rockaway
MarinArt is launching an exhibition space at Marina 59 in Far Rockaway, as a sub-project of Flux Factory’s ongoing Sea Worthy exhibition. Beginning with A Photographic History of Marina 59, opening on Friday, July 22 at 5 pm and running through August 27 the space will display work from the local art community inside two shipping containers modified by ArtBloc. Also on display will be a collection of photographs by Beth Perkins.
Alexandra Wolkowicz, Higher and Wider
September 16-18, noon-6 pm
Opening Reception: Friday, September 16, 6-9 pm
Through the Sea Worthy exhibition, Flux Factory has converted the ArtBloc shipping container space into a gallery, displaying work relating to the local geography, established communities, and artistic culture of the Rockaways. The exhibition space is part of Marina 59, a hub for avid fishermen and sport boaters and an emerging art scene alongside low income housing projects. The aim of MarinArt is to use an art space as a bridge between communities.
Marina 59 has opened its gates to artists in recent years, helping to solidify and strengthen the local arts community, but also creating another layer in addition to the complex social strata of the fishing and boating cultures, low income housing, and burgeoning condo developments. This project facilitates a dialogue between groups which are suddenly colliding, rather than forgetting local residents in a fog of gentrification.
Contact Georgia Muenster at georgia@fluxfactory.org or Chess Venis at 336-314-0274 with questions or to schedule a site visit.
Enormous thanks to Marina 59 and ArtBloc for the use of the space and to Chess Venis for her assistance with the project.