June Flux Thursday
Thursday June 11th
Dinner at 7 pm. Presentations begin at 8:30 pm.
The event is free, but please do bring something to share!
We are opening up our summer programming with June Flux Thursday, our monthly art salon! Flux Factory’s first exhibition of the summer, STROBE Network is a temporary broadcast network that will air via a digital streaming platform, 24/7 for nine days, featuring video art, performance, animation, talk shows, and archival materials that make use of broadcast as an artistic medium.
For this month’s Flux Thursday, we have invited artists who are participating on STROBE Network to present. Daphne Gardner will talk about her documentary video series Her Room that examines the intimate world of bedrooms, personal history and female identity. Karl Scholz & plant good seeds will seduce you to fill your mouths, wills, hearts, desires, true beings, selves, reflections to turn to stones and begin again. Heather Kapplow will forecast her emotional weather series Weather Schmeather. Artists Elizabeth Lamb, David Ian Griess, Butch Merigoni from Human Trash Dump, a 24-hour durational collaborative performance piece, will talk about their work.Steve Sewell will be presenting an excerpt from his performance/lecture “How to Purposefully Forget Things.” Dinner will be lovingly designed by Fluxers Alisha Monypenny and Valentina Medda.
Please Join us for a Potluck TV Dinner viewing of ACRE TV, bring food and drinks to share.
RSVP on Facebook here.