Flux Thursday: July 14, 2011
Join us for Flux Thursday, our monthly potluck and salon! Dinner starts at 8, with guest chef Farah Shaikh preparing a delicious Pakistani dinner, and then it’s down to the gallery for a full evening of presentations. Tom Watson will discuss The Consulate of Cornerhouse, a project by the Manchester-based group Archipelago. Adrian Owen will shower us with delightful arias. Alex Young will present his most recent work. Hannah Heilmann will screen part II of The Shower, an insight into the human gaze and “capitalistic hormone folklore.” Our neighbor Noni Pratt will talk about the practice of Tenzin Lama, a traditional Tibetan artist from the Gadenpa Buddhist Center. Finally, Matthew Nevin and Katherine Nolan from the MART collective’s Invite or Reject show, currently on display in the Flux Gallery, will present analyses on the anthropologic nature of Irish food and the female subject’s narcissistic relationship to the camera.
As is tradition, please bring a side dish, dessert, or drinks to share!