(Re) mnants – Solo exhibition by Muse Dodd
Schedule of Events
January 11th, Thursday
Flux Thursday: Performances by Illesha Khandelwal and Muse of Fire, Traditional Louisiana style Seafood Gumbo made by my Grandma Shirley, and quilt made by Zeelie Brown.
January 12th Friday
Opening & Film Screening
7pm – 9pm
January 13th, Saturday
Gallery hours 1pm-6pm
January 14th, Sunday
Gallery hours 12pm -3pm
6pm – Remnants: Family Matters
Artist Talk moderated by Atlanta based curator Martina Dodd & closing party 6pm
(Re) mnants is an interactive digital media installation, chronicling visual artist and filmmaker Monique Muse Dodd’s journey into her ancestral and spiritual heritage.
(Re) mnants is a conscious act of (Re) membering, (Re) imagining, and (Re) vering those who have come before us and still walk among us.
Asking the questions “how do you remember, and what do you choose to forget?” Muse pulls from African American quilt making traditions to use scraps of knowledge and traces of remembrance to fashion a clearer picture of her familial past/legacy. After tracing her lineage through a popular DNA testing site, Muse was faced with the reality that ancestry is more than percentages, and that although much of her ancestor’s stories were engulfed by the tumultuous tides of the Transatlantic slave trade, their memories live within her.
(Re) mnants is as much a film as it is a ritual. It is an ongoing preformative ritual of communing with ancestors, whose names she doesn’t know, yet whose spirits hold an everlasting influence on her life and artistic process. Utilizing video, soundscape, and projection mapping, Muse refashions her family history to create a portal for participants to cross the boundary between the imagined and the biographical, the physical and the spiritual, the living and the ancestors.
(Re)mnants is a memorial and a rebirth, join as she opens a portal into the ethereal.
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