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Flux Factory 2024 Benefit

The Suffolk 55 Suffolk Street

Celebrate Flux Factory's 30th anniversary and support the founding of our new venue Flux IV through a catered reception and community gathering.

Spiritual Machines: Closing Performances

Flux Island 404 Colonels Row, Governors Island

Three performances on the penultimate day of Spiritual Machines: Venus RX by Midheaven or Nah, The HTMLgardeness - Sowing HTML but Harvesting AI by Ursula Endlicher, and Powered by the…

Can It Be I’m Not Meant To Play This Part?

Combining narration, reenactment, found footage, karaoke, animation and a sprinkling of augmented reality, Li-Ming Hu’s Can it be I’m not meant to play this part? explores representation, identity and cultural production through the artist’s experiences as a professional actor and emerging artist, in conversation with key moments in the history of Asian American theater.

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