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Rebecca Hon Solo Exhibition Opening Reception

Please join us for a solo presentation of works by Hong Kong-based artist, Rebecca Hon. Hon focuses on modern Chinese ink art, especially on the exploration of contemporary Chinese ink,…

Flux Factory 2024 Benefit

The Suffolk 55 Suffolk Street

Celebrate Flux Factory's 30th anniversary and support the founding of our new venue Flux IV through a catered reception and community gathering.

Spiritual Machines: Closing Performances

Flux Island 404 Colonels Row, Governors Island

Three performances on the penultimate day of Spiritual Machines: Venus RX by Midheaven or Nah, The HTMLgardeness - Sowing HTML but Harvesting AI by Ursula Endlicher, and Powered by the…

Can It Be I’m Not Meant To Play This Part?

Combining narration, reenactment, found footage, karaoke, animation and a sprinkling of augmented reality, Li-Ming Hu’s Can it be I’m not meant to play this part? explores representation, identity and cultural production through the artist’s experiences as a professional actor and emerging artist, in conversation with key moments in the history of Asian American theater.

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