Flaming Creature Crawl Parade Two
Governors Island Colonels Row House 404AJoin us for the Flaming Creature Crawl 2, a nighttime luminary parade. Lanterns will be held depicting the flora, fauna and celestial bodies of Governors Island accompanied by quiet acoustic…
Flux Factory Open Studios
Flux Factory404A Colonels Row, Governors IslandOpen Studios: Saturday, November 2, 1 - 5 PM Join us on November 2 for Flux Factory’s Open Studios on Governors Island. Our last event…
Artificial Inhabitants: Arbrasson Workshop
Workshop Registration: GiveLivelyTickets: $250*Need-based and sliding-scale tickets available In this workshop, Daniel Fishkin will provide a short history lesson and demonstration of the Arbrasson, a unique rubbed wooden idiophone from France. Workshop participants…
Our Stories of Migration: A Family Playtime Experience
Our Stories of Migration details human movement through art objects and storytelling. Participants are invited to embroider their own ancestral, present, and future paths onto the surface of a world map tapestry.
Can It Be I’m Not Meant To Play This Part?
Combining narration, reenactment, found footage, karaoke, animation and a sprinkling of augmented reality, Li-Ming Hu’s Can it be I’m not meant to play this part? explores representation, identity and cultural production through the artist’s experiences as a professional actor and emerging artist, in conversation with key moments in the history of Asian American theater.
Strategies for Global Exchange in times of Political, Economic, and Social Strife
Program Director Susan Katz at TransCultural Exchange ConferenceMarch 8, 10 - 11 AMParticipants: Anna Chistoserdova, Kendal Henry, Eva Khachatryan, Tatiana KochubinskaConference Registration: https://transculturalexchange.org/conference-2025/registration/