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Flux Thursday, S.T.E.P…
September 13, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm UTC-5

September 13th 7 – 10 pm
Please join us for our monthly community potluck and informal art salon!
We invite you to meet walking artists, and ask: Who sets the pace and measurement of the world, the power of dreams and our entanglements between each of these and one another?
Drop a dream into Claire Hind and Gary Winters’ Heads
Walking Score Slam – Conceptual walks that can be rolled wheeled and walked!
Walking Artists’ Talk with: Walis Johnson, Clare Qualmann, Jevijoe Vitug
Walk it out with The Rude Mechanical Orchestra!
Date: Thursday September 13
dinner begins at 7:00pm
Location: Flux Factory
Walk Length: approx. 3 hours
Walk Capacity: 150
Walk Level: Fluxy Fun – sticks, wheels and walkers welcome!
The event is free, but please bring a treat or drink to share with 4 people, wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
About the Artists
Walis Johnson’s project, The Red Line Archive is a mobile public art project that engages New York City residents in a conversation about race and the history of the 1938 Red Line Map that helped create the segregated urban landscapes of the city. This “cabinet of curiosities” is wheeled along city streets, inviting people to freely associate about personal artifacts and documents from the artist’s family history in gentrifying Brooklyn and ephemera collected during four artist walks in and along the periphery of redlined neighborhoods.
Clare Qualmann’s Perambulator walk, invites local stroller users to walk together en masse around the Long Island City neighborhood. Questions at the core of Perambulator walk – no matter the location of the stroller walk – are about the obstacles, interruptions, and challenges that the materiality of the street presents to the stroller user. When walked alone stroller impediments are an annoyance, and often unnoticed. Walking en masse with strollers heightens the visibility of walkway impediments; the absurdity of multiple strollers negotiating each obstacle in their path, enables a collective, creative and aesthetic reclamation of mobility challenges with a stroller.
Jevijoe Vitug will talk about his project, Source of Living, A hand powered street cart that could turn into a boat, designed specifically for a disabled vendor. The project is interested in exploring ideas on appropriate technology, everyday survival and environmental change. Vitug is a Philippine-born artist living and working in New York City whose project-based work ranges from painting, photography, digital, sculptural objects to performance, community-based projects and curatorial projects. His work often touches on the notion of reinvention through various mash-ups of contradiction. In response to constant change brought by environmental and technological shifts, his “multi-functional” projects focus on the confluence between the ideal and the real, the past and the future, the local and the global.
Gary Winters and Claire Hind
Dream Yards is a playful outdoor walking performance to specific locations around Long Island City; where the audience might find themselves in (old medieval) York! Dreams are collected from public donations, woven into a script and performed on the walk by the character Kong Lear (Claire Hind) and her fool (Gary Winters), who then guides the audience through the 5 stages of sleep.
Dream Collection: Come along and drop a dream into our heads from 7- 9 pm
The Rude Mechanical Orchestra! is a 30-odd-piece New York City radical marching band and dance troupe. Through our music and performance, we strive to support people and communities working for social justice. We play protests, demonstrations, direct actions, picket lines, marches, benefits and events for good causes. We function as a democratic collective through consensus-based decision-making.