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Flux City 6
February 24, 2018 @ 10:00 am - March 17, 2018 @ 11:30 pm UTC-5
City 1- Saturday, February 24, 2018 10AM – 9PM FORT CITY 9PM-12AM Immigrant Ball |
City 2- Saturday, March 3, 2018 10AM -9PM The Central Nervous City 9PM-12AM The Destruction of Civilization RSVP on Facebook for City #1 & #2 |
CITY 3- Saturday, March 10, 2018 10AM – 8PM City with a Diamond Heart 8PM – 10PM Experimental performances and music |
CITY 4 – Saturday, March 17, 2018 10AM – 8PM Art Trash City 8PM – 10PM The Sanitization 10PM – 12AM Music by The Company Soundsystem |
About Flux City 6
Flux City 6 is an homage to the temporary communities of Flux Factory and an exploration of cities as created and idealized by individuals and small groups. During each week an artist will create a city, or their interpretation of city-ness in the Flux Factory gallery creating a broad and all encompassing installation work which culminates in a public opening for that city and a destruction event meant to bring about its end – organized by a separate artist or group. Each week the City builders will repurpose the materials left behind by those who came before as we collectively meditate upon cycles of politics, ownership, creation and destruction.
Flux City 6 is a four week cycle of city creation and destruction and rebirth and cataclysm and phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes and Godzilla-traipsing-in-from-the-sea-in-a-breath-of-fire-and-chaos. Flux City 6 is curated by Seth Timothy Larson and Abigail Entsminger.
City 1- Saturday, February 24, 2018
10 AM – 9 PM on view
FORT CITY by Cayla Lockwood and Sarah Dahlinger
Fort City is a fully-operating city in Flux Factory, Long Island City, Queens County, New York City, United States constructed 90% from salvaged bed sheets, fabric and materials from MFTA and the pay-per-pound Goodwill in VanDam Street. The projected 2018 population census is expected to be 54 3⁄4. The City includes a post office, movie theater, diner, public library, school, hospital, general store, houses, and a town hall. Fort City will be fully operating with each area open to the public for screenings, games, readings, classes, general sales, etc. There will also be a school prom in the Town Hall, complete with prom photo booth.
9 PM-12 AM Performances
Immigrant Ball by Katya Grokhovsky
“Immigrant Ball” is a participatory performance event, in which several performers, all first generation immigrants of diverse backgrounds, invite the audience to the extravagantly DIY Ball, during which the city on site will be gradually destroyed through choreographed debauchery. Allowed to misbehave, the immigrants take over the territory; claiming their place, ready to begin again, to renew, to reimagine through their own lenz, reversing the dominant cultural narrative in the process.
City 2- Saturday, March 3, 2018
10 AM – 9PM On view
The Central Nervous City by Cait Davis
Cait Davis will create a city whose architectural influence and city structure is based off of human brain anatomy. The city will be split into hemispheres and then further split into parts and lobes. The function of the individual pieces within the brain will influence the use and design of the various buildings, parks and motorways of the city.
9 PM-12 AM Performances and Party
The Destruction of Civilization (By Toga Party) by Larissa Hayden
A city destroyed in homage to the fall of the first metropolis. Rome was central to the advancement of civilization and technological development. Yet it was one of their structural innovations that led to their downfall: the aqueducts. While the aqueducts distributed life-giving liquid (“water”) to the Roman people, they were also contaminated with lead. Lead exposure thereby contaminated the minds and bodies of the people who consumed it, leading to madness and ultimately the final destruction of the city of Rome. Larissa Hayden, New York City event planner and shot luge craftsman,will host a grand toga party that evokes the spirit of the original city, as all participants slowly descend into chaos as they drink from an elaborate shot luge modeled after Rome’s aqueducts. Attendees are encouraged to make their own togas upon arrival with materials provided. Various activities throughout the night will encourage bacchanal destruction.
CITY 3- Saturday, March 10, 2018
10 AM – 8 PM On view
City with a Diamond Heart by Hui-Ying Tsai
Hui-Ying Tsai is interested in the fragile border of home and the sense of belonging. Home is a verb and an action. The living beings set up the boundary to push outward, and the line is pushed in constantly. The border of a home is constantly being recreated and altered, which suggests that a sense of home must be constantly in flux and that living being must always work toward home wherever we might be. One must live and perform home in order to define it. Hui-Ying will construct from the ruins of the previous cities on-site and create a shelter around her body. To chew, to spit, to tear, to build like an animal.
8 PM – 10 PM
Experimental performances and music curated by Patricio Jijón
Patricio Jijón and Max Abeles are organizing experimental performances with musicians who are primarily also visual artists, all under the auspices of activating the city with a different energy, bringing different communities together and the spirit of improvisation. Abeles will activate the space wearing post apocalyptic costume-like kinetic sculptures made from recycled materials, augmented to be instruments themselves, to create an atmosphere of catharsis and rebirth.
Secret Special Performance by Jonah Levy and Jaclyn Atkinson,
CITY 4 – Saturday, March 17, 2018
10 AM – 8 PM on view
Art Trash City @ Flux Factory NYC
Built from the garbage left behind New York City’s art fair, Art Trash City will be a
tongue and cheek presentation of art world structures and economies while
providing space for the underrepresented artists and laborers who make it all
happen to embed works in the structure itself.
The creation of Art Trash City is a collective endeavor organized by Six City Trash
Collective. The public opening on Saturday October 17 is the culmination of a
happening that begins as the art fair closes, the trash is collected, participants
embed works in the material, the trash travels to Queens, and then collectively the
city is built in the gallery space. This flux provides a record and archive of collective
acts uploaded in real time by the participants and collaborators of the project.
Art Trash City is part of the fourth and final cycle of the Flux City 6 exhibition at
Flux Factory in Long Island City NY.
Flux City 6 is a four-week cycle of city creation and destruction and rebirth and
cataclysm and phoenix-rising- from-the- ashes and Godzilla-traipsing- in-from- the-
sea-in- a-breath- of-fire- and-chaos. Flux City 6 is curated by Seth Timothy
Larson and Abigail Entsminger.
10 PM-8 PM
Art Trash City will be open to the Public.
Created by the Six City Trash Collective under the direction of Francine Kay Affourtit,
Liz Brown, Stephanie Cayer, and Annie Sarachan.
8 PM-10 PM
The Sanitization, Categorization, and Monetization of Artistic Endeavor
Performed by: Jonathan Sims This flashy destruction event will conclude our show by molding the event into a “real gallery opening.” Jonathan will break apart the previous city into art-sized
chunks, hang them on the wall and attempt to sell them to the viewers.
10 PM – 12 AM
After party with The Company Soundsystem
Art Trash City is one of a series of on-going projects created in partnership with
Francine Kay Affourtit and Biennale Urbana.