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Nick Cregor

Nick Cregor makes performances, videos, music, and other things. His work hopes to sometimes be or achieve being felt in the internal organs of the body.

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Tuguldur Yondonjamts

Tuguldur Yondonjamts was born in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) in 1977. He tackles issues surrounding the changes affecting Mongolia’s society and economic development.

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Elisa Harkins

Elisa "Pooper" Harkins is a Native American composer and artist originally hailing from Miami, Oklahoma. Her music, animation, paintings and paper mache sculptures investigate Native American stories, rituals, and spirituality through a the lens of someone raised on pop culture and computer games.

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Ioanna Gouma

Ioanna Gouma's work is influenced by microcosm and macrocosm. A starting point is often the observation of the natural environment - rhythms and routes that she discovers in the landscape.

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Sonya Schönberger

In her current work, Sonya Schönberger is meeting eyewitnesses from the time of World War II and conducts personal interviews with them, exploring the cultural memory of the German society. She follows these witnesses and memory-keepers into the everyday life of the Third Reich.

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Ye Taik

Ye Taik is a performing artist / avant-garde dancer, born in Rangoon, Burma. He dedicates most of his time to his practice as a collaborative choreographer, performer, curator, experimental theater artist and playwright; to discovering and developing cultural interactions through art and performance.

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Alison Nguyen

Alison Nguyen is a New York-based artist working in film, video, photography, and installation. She uses these forms to raise questions about the circulation of images and the cultural surrounding.

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Lena Hawkins

Lena Hawkins creates image-based works that re-enact rare and other non-circulating materials. She practices analog techniques including producing prints, films, and microfilms in an effort to preserve and re-construct fabricated entities. Her favorite topics of conversation are unsolved mysteries, recreational vehicles, and products that are out of production.

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Ditte Lyngkær Pedersen

Ditte Lyngkær Pedersen (from Denmark, b. 1977. ) uses various mediums such as video, installation and collaborations. She is invested in deconstructing the intersections of the subjective and the objective perspectives, in order to pose alternative narratives and forms of representation of what we consider reality.

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