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Robert Levy

Robert Levy's present work encompasses electromechanical sculpture, installation, and photography, and draws inspiration from nonlinear dynamics and systems neuroscience. He is especially interested in oscillatory models of mental illness and social dysfunction, and in the investigation of boundary states where scientific practice coexists with magic and folklore.

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November Flux Thursday!

Please join us on November 13th for our monthly potluck and art salon. Dinner starts at 8pm and artists presentations start at 9:30pm.

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Donald Daedalus

Donald Daedalus is an artist interested in architecture and urban design; critical and expanded cinema; epistemology and scientific method.

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Donald Daedalus

Donald Daedalus is an artist interested in architecture and urban design; critical and expanded cinema; epistemology and scientific method. He makes videos, sculptures, books and publishes other artists' books under Lugubrious, New York, a liaising entity. He works with Critical…

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Valentina Medda

Valentina Medda is concerned by one’s relationship with the urban environment, the possibility of feeling part of it, grasping its borders and reshaping it an way that reflects one’s desires and needs.

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Menu For Mars Supper Club (M4MSC)

There is nothing to eat on Mars, unless you eat rock. To augment government and private space programs, The Menu for Mars Supper Club will research and taste-test a menu for dinner tables en route to, and on, the Red Planet.

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October Flux Thursday: October 9

Thursday October 9 Dinner at 8pm, Presentations begin at 9:30pm The event is free, but do bring something to share! Please join us on October 9th for our monthly community potluck and art salon: an informal time to catch up…

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Julia Carrillo Escalera

Julia Carrillo Escalera's practice utilizes mathematics and physics in order to build an approach to natural phenomena, such as the transformation of space, the motion of light, and the forces that condition life on Earth.

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