Artificial Retirement Open Call
Artificial Retirement
Coming August/September 2016
Artificial Retirement invites artists, researchers, and educators motivated by failure, imperfection, and destructive progression to create artworks, workshops, and performances. We are looking for creative practitioners who find beauty in encountered errors. The aim of this project is not only to celebrate present modern technology, but also to challenge and investigate human behavior towards technology. If we can create well-functioning technology, we also have the freedom to malfunction it.
The keywords for this exhibition are error, malfunction, imperfection, destruction. Participants may examine what we discard and eliminate without thoughtful process when we use technology / redefine the concepts of ‘successful’ and ‘failed’ / find new meanings for our daily functioning technology, etc. We are looking forward to meeting your meaningfully malfunctioning poetic digital gadgets.
Participants who wish to show and run their visual arts, time-based arts, and workshops are all welcome to apply. Work must involve digital or mechanical materials in process, practically and/or conceptually. All involved with Artificial Retirement will be invited to have an artist talk & discussion session with public.
Artificial Retirement is one of Flux Factory’s 2016 major exhibitions and is co-curated by Jung In Jung and Joelle Fleurantin.
Submission Deadline: Sunday, July 10th 2016
Notification of Acceptance: Monday July 18th 2016
Exhibition & Workshop & Artist Talk Period: August 19th 2016 – September 11th 2016
Preview/ opening performance: August 19th 2016
Closing performance: September 11th 2016
Submission Guidelines
Please submit the listed materials below as PDF according to your interest. All submissions should be sent to jungin@fluxfactory.org.
Artworks for exhibition / Performances
- Description of your work (max 500 words – include images, sketches, or any supporting media links.)
- Artist statement or bio (max 200 words),
- Work samples (up to 5 examples with images, video or sound links with brief descriptions.)
- CV
- Description of workshop idea (max 500 words – Please include logistics to explain how it can be manageable)
- Statement or bio (max 200 words)
- Work examples if you have similar workshop experience (up to 3 samples with images or any media links to support with brief descriptions)
- CV
If you have any questions related to the open call, please email to jungin@fluxfactory.org.
** We only accept electronic medium for the submission. No DVDs or CDs. Do not submit any music or video files as email attachment. It might exceed the email storage allowance and block your application. Upload your media files to online platform such as Vimeo, Youtube, or Soundcloud, and provide those media links in your PDF.