Abreaction Open Call
Abreaction is the extraction of memory stored within a muscle, resurfaced through kinetics and physical movement, of which the individual was previously unaware. Curator Caroline Partamian continues her muscle memory series with a food related exhibition. Projects submitted will explore memories associated with specific types of food and the aesthetics of behavior through the senses and kinetic movement. Immediate, visceral, candid, fearless, and daring multi-media work are encouraged to apply, particularly involving Video and Performance. The show will be held at Flux Factory in Long Island City from September 24-September 26.
Please submit your CV and a proposal including a description of your food-related memory and your project with materials you plan to use (no more than 500 words) to caroline907@gmail.com. Proposals accepted on a rolling basis between now and Friday August 14th. Participants will be notified as soon as possible after submission and no later than Monday August 17th.