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Tarot Parade ArcanaCrawl: Creek to River

May 17 @ 7:30 pm 9:30 pm

56-21 2nd St, Long Island City
A person holding a pentacle made out of bamboo at night.
Image: Flaming Creature Crawl 2. Photographer: Harri Bailey.

Tarot Parade Arcana Crawl: Creek to River is a joyful night parade in southwest Queens, gathering more than 125 people along Newtown Creek and the East River at Flux IV in Hunters Point South, to Gantry Plaza State Park, and back. Per the Tarot card theme, giant puppets will depict The Fool, The Magician, The Lovers, The World, and the other 22 Major Arcana. Participants will dance and play during the parade; accompanied hundreds of LED-lit, hand-heldbamboo and paper sculptures; live harp, violin, and the sounds of waterways; and solar energy-powered projectors will show exciting animations en route. The tone will be inclusion and wonder.

Before the parade, there will be four weekend workshops held at Stephen Street Gallery, where community artists and the public can join to make costumes, paint, and assemble giant puppets. The meeting point for the parade is Flux IV.

Workshop Dates & Locations
April 19 & 20, Time TBC
April 26 & 27, Time TBC

All workshops held at Stephen Street Gallery, 1679 Stephen Street, Ridgewood, NY 11385.

Workshop Leaders
Costume-making workshops are led by Sally Beauti Twin and Heather Rose Piper. Sally is a Queens resident for half her life. In her New Orleans youth she formed parades for more than 20 years. This will be her 6th NYC parade in 4 years and a culmination of her cultural background. A former intern at Long Island City’s Henson Creature Shop and a winner of a 2025 Henson Grant, Heather is a high quality puppet and costume maker, a perennial Mermaid Parade star and professional scenic artist. 

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