A’yen Tran’s Boat for Singing Together
July 24 and August 13, 9 pm
Marina 59, 5914 Beach Channel Drive, Far Rockaway
Please join us on the boat for singing together. We will gather on the dock and learn songs together. All will be welcomed in small groups onto the boat to learn simple, resonant group song together over the water.
The boat for singing together was built by artist and raft-builder A’yen Tran with friends. The vessel is built from old docks scavenged from Jamaica Bay, scrap wood from New York City, and trees from Mount Desert Island, Maine. Completely enclosed by a canopy of saplings and fabric, an opening in the craft’s center over the water creates an intimate space for sharing song over water.
Being afloat disarms the visitor, creating a space for new experiences, especially in close proximity to the water’s surface. The substance of water, unlike land, is unowned and unregulated, while singing in groups creates a unique communal intimacy. The boat couples these experiences and hopes to evoke a sense of freedom in community.