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Air Rights: a series of artist-made flags

Air Rights: a series of artist-made flags curated by artist and Fluxer, Christina Freeman.

1st Flag:Revised U.S. Flag #4 (Francisco Franklin)
by Maya Grace Misra 

February 24- March 31

Flag Raising

Saturday February 24th, 8:30pm

Revised U.S. Flag #4 (Francisco Franklin), designed by Francisco Franklin as part of the series Revised U.S. Flag by Maya Grace Misra, combines elements from the United States flag and the flag of his home country, Panamá.

In the spirit of neighborly collaboration, Flux Factory will inaugurate a new public exhibition space at the Windmill Community Garden on Saturday, February 24 at 8:30pm, with the first in a series of artist-made flags.

While air rights are conventionally framed in terms of potential real estate development, the term legally defines who may “control, occupy, or use the vertical air space above a property.” Playing with this idea, air rights here point to the value of (vertical) community space as a site for creative expression, stemming from the first amendment of the Bill of Rights. In this series, artists are invited to occupy the air space traditionally reserved for governments, symbols of nationhood, and real estate developers, exercising their first amendment right to freedom of speech.

 Artist Statement by Maya Grace Misra

“In my project Revised U.S. Flag, I invite individuals who have immigrated to the United States to redesign the national flag based on their own experiences and their assessment of the nation’s values. . . The result is a compilation of flags representing the many voices of the people of the United States. The 
project serves to celebrate our national diversity, while questioning whether or not our national symbols can truly represent all people.”


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