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Secret Clubhouse

Secret Clubhouse #2
Friday, October 19th, 6:00pm
PLACE: LMCC, 125 Maiden Lane, NYC, NY 10038
ADMISSION: Freesecretclubhouse.jpg

The artists in Secret Clubhouse #2 received a key to the LMCC space at 125 Maiden Lane. They alone listened to the phone messages from Secret Clubhouse #1 but never went to that space. Listening to the messages, they created graphical representations of and responses to the descriptions they heard. The events at Secret Clubhouse #1 were thus translated through verbal descriptions to the artists at Secret Clubhouse #2 and now take on a second life on the walls of 125 Maiden Lane. Including works from: Sarah Glidden, Andrea Dezsö, Daupo, David Sandlin, Eun-Ha Paek, Lauren Berke, Fay Ryu

In Secret Clubhouse #1, a still-unrevealed location in a warehouse in Long Island City, artists have been working for six months. Each artist received a key to the space but had no idea what they would find. Each artist was given two weeks to produce work based on whatever was left behind by previous artists. None of the artists know each other, yet each has the same task: to solve the unfinished aesthetic ‘problems’ left behind and create new challenges for the next artists. As they work, they leave phone messages on an answering service explaining what the space looks like as they’ve found it, what they have changed, and why.

Special thanks to Radhika Subramaniam and the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council for their support of this project. And special thanks to The Believer Magazine, which will publish a story about the project in the coming year.

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