Going Places (Doing Stuff): Open Season
Back by popular demand: Going Places (Doing Stuff), our artist-led bus tours, are now going to be held year round, come sun, rain, or hail! The content of each tour is entirely up to the artist, and destinations are kept secret. Artists have carte blanche to lead a bus-full of people on an odyssey around the greater New York/Quad-State area. Think of it as adventure as performance art.
Our next tour, “Pleasure Forever” with OverTake, will be on Sunday, October 24. Sign up here!
Before each tour, we provide only the following information: artists’ name, title of adventure, duration, and a list of needed supplies. In other words, when people sign up for a tour, they know what to bring and how long they’ll be gone, but will have no idea where they’re going or what they’ll experience. This past summer’s adventures included squaredancing on the boardwalk, ghost ships, pinball, a trip to an abandoned summer camp, and blueberry picking.
All tours are first-come, first-serve. They go like hotcakes. All tours are $20, unless otherwise noted. No phone calls please!
Curated by Jean Barberis and Georgia Muenster.
The tours will be on board a school bus propelled by vegetable oil provided by the Rude Mechanical Orchestra. For questions or interviews for which we can only provide extremely vague and evasive answers due to the secretive nature of this project, please email Georgia at fluxfactory.org.
Going Places (Doing Stuff): Open Season is made possible in part through support from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts.