Summer School: Fun for Adults!
Summer School is a Flux Factory project that brings knowledge to the people.
Come! Drink! Learn! Explore!
Saturday July 2nd, 4 pm – on
This day-long event explores the practical, philosophical, and playful applications of the term “hacking.” Presentations and workshops will cover topics such as lock picking, culture jamming, dumpster diving, email encryption, and the repurposing of waste items into useful tools. The symposium is geared towards providing visitors with foundational information in order to become hackers themselves (Free). More info here.
Thursday July 7th, 7 – 9 pm
Consciousness Raising
We’ll explore the language surrounding contemporary issues in sex, gender, race, class, and other cultural concepts through this seminar-based forum.
Instructors: Max Steele and Colin Self ($10).
Buy tickets for Consciousness Raising
Saturday July 9th, 1 – 3 pm
Silkscreen Intro
In this introductory silkscreening class, we will go through the basics of the silkscreening process. Students will learn how to prepare, use, and reclaim a silkscreen, and will leave with an original silkscreened tote bag!
Instructor: Gabriel Cohen ($20).
Buy tickets for Silkscreen Intro
Thursday July 14th, 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Snails: Exploring the Next Frontier in Urban Farming
Snails are a high protein, gourmet food! This class will outline urban farming techniques of raising and preparing snails for your culinary delight. Students will receive a starter kit with a snail and week’s worth of food
Instructor: Melanie Cohn ($15).
Buy tickets for Exploring the Next Frontier in Urban Farming
Sunday July 17th, 3 – 6 pm
Marzipan as a Medium
Marzipan is a versatile candy medium that is often considered only in terms of cake decorations or creepily lifelike baby candies. In this class, we’ll explore using marzipan as a rich artistic medium…that also happens to be edible. Students will receive marzipan, food coloring, and luster dust, but should bring their own tools to make cool marzipan shapes, like tin cans, knives, and spoons.
Instructor: Hannah Nordgren ($60).
Buy tickets for Marzipan as a Medium
Thursday July 21st, 7 – 9 pm
Herbal Concentrates
Herbal medicine is cheap, easy, effective and safe. In this class you will learn how to make tinctures, syrups, salves and teas. Bring a few small (3oz +) jars to make your own stress-relieving tincture and calendula salve to take home and impress your friends.
Instructor: Stephen Switzer, herbalist at Thirdroot Community Health Center ($25).
Buy tickets for Herbal Concentrates
Saturday July 23rd, 2 – 6 pm
Circuit Bending
What is circuit bending and why is it so awesome?!? We will show you! Learn creative customization of electronics with professional hacker, builder and bender Peter Edwards ($20).
Buy tickets for Circuit Bending
Thursday July 28th, 6:30 – 8:45 pm
Visualization Tarot
This unique introductory class will teach you the meanings of the Tarot Major Arcana cards using fun visualization techniques and drawing exercises. Learn the cards’ symbols and how to read with them through color and sketching–no art ability necessary!
Instructor: Lorraine Schein ($24).
*Please bring your own tarot deck.
Buy tickets for Visualization Tarot
To learn more, buy tickets or lose your mind, email our Summer School principal, gabrielfcohen@gmail.com