Everyone’s a Winner party!
Date: Saturday, September 17
Time: Doors open at 9 pm
21 and over
Have a competitive spirit but a lousy ability to conquer? Enjoy playing sports that end in group hugs, no matter who wins? Need a confidence boost? Then September 17th is your night!
Join Flux Factory for winning games, trophies, live music, dancing, and libations. Don’t worry, we aren’t keeping score but everyone will score!! There will be games that keep on giving; an Olympics-style platform for 1st, 1st, and 1st place; pie eating contests; raffles with a grand prize; and a marathon finish line right at the start.
Performances by Ninja Sex Party and The Ruffian Arms. Dancing tunes provided by DJ Dirty Finger, DJ James Stacher, DJ Tinseltown, DJ Mountains, DJ Vinyl Richie.
Games and installations by Flux Factory and Friends, Everyone’s a Weiner Veggie Treats by Drew, Arcade Games by Babycastles and many more surprises because…you can’t possibly lose at this party!
$10 advance / $15 at the door.
Everyone’s a Winner is a Flux Factory fundraiser and also the official Maker Faire after party, so Makers get free admission with credentials badge.